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You've read their stories. Learned their names.

Acknowledging the humanity of death row inmates is the bare minimum. 


We want a world in which no one must lose their life for justice's sake. Where death and justice are never viewed as synonyms. Where "criminal" is never the first descriptor used for a human being.
Here's how you can help us achieve that goal.


Perhaps the best way to make change is to contact your state legislators to vote YES to abolish the death penalty. Even if you don't live in a death penalty state, contact your representatives in Congress, who have the power to abolish the death penalty federally. 

Image by Louis Velazquez
Judge and Gavel


  • Death Penalty Information Center

    • The DPIC is a national nonprofit that provides the public with analysis and data surrounding the death penalty and the people it affects​

  • Equal Justice Initiative

    • The EJI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides legal representation to current defendants and prisoners making appeals. ​

  • The Innocence Project

    • The Innocence Project provides legal aid and does public policy work to help exonerate the wrongly convicted and reform the criminal justice system. ​

  • Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights and Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation

    • These organizations bring together family members of murder victims and the families of those executed or on death row, all of whom oppose the death penalty and seek reconciliation and healing. ​

  • Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty

    • This network of political and social conservatives raises moral and policy-based questions surrounding the death penalty and its alignment with their values.​ It unites legislators in states with the death penalty to abolish it. 

  • The Southern Center for Human Rights

    • The SCHR is a nonprofit, public interest law firm providing legal aid to defendants facing the death penalty and seeking to improve the quality of life of those impacted by the criminal justice system in the Southern United States. ​


Death row inmates spend hours in isolation, which can severely impact their mental health. Write to death row inmates to make their days brighter with one of the organizations below. 

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©2020 by Annie Blanchard.

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